Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts Announces Annual Dora Mavor Moore Awards to Return and Proceed In-Person in September

Dora Mavor Moore Awards

September 19, 2022
Venue TBA

The annual Dora Mavor Moore Awards, produced by the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA), celebrate excellence in the city’s professional performing arts sector for theatre, dance, and opera. Following last season’s cancellation of the Dora Awards ceremony, prompted by no in-person productions for 2020-2021, TAPA enthusiastically welcomes a return to in-person on-stage award presentations for 2021-2022. TAPA has adopted a revised schedule for the 2022 Dora Mavor Moore Awards Ceremony due to COVID-19 health restrictions which forced postponements to a number of live performances beyond the typical Dora Award adjudication period. As such, the Board of Directors of TAPA and PAIS are pleased to announce that the 42nd Annual Dora Mavor Moore Awards will take place on September 19, 2022, venue TBA.

Kelly Straughan, TAPA Board President notes, “The performing arts industry has been suffering for so long under pandemic conditions that it will be joyous to bring the community together under the same roof once more. Shifting the ceremony to September as a one-time exception will enhance the feeling  of rebirth and renewal, as it aligns with the beginning of the new ‘theatre season.’”

Jacoba Knaapen, TAPA Executive Director, “The Dora Awards have always been a celebratory event,  but this year there will be a profound change in the sense of occasion. We have proven time and again  that we are a resilient sector and that when things get tough, we come together to survive and thrive.  This alone is worthy of celebration! Performers, administrators, designers, producers – they are all  individuals with enormous collective talent. A return to recognizing their contributions to the Toronto  arts & culture sector is long overdue.”

Chris Goddard, Dora Awards Board (PAIS) President comments, “Heartfelt congratulations to the TAPA  members able to reopen to in-person work these past months and to those yet to come! You continue  to create and inspire and fight the odds and I look forward to toasting your tenacity at the Awards  Ceremony!”  

46 award Categories across 7 Divisions, adjudicated by 40+ jurors will be presented in September along with 5 Ancillary Awards. More details coming soon.

See also  40th Anniversary Dora Mavor Moore Awards - June 25, 2019

The Dora Mavor Moore Awards are administered by the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA). In addition to the Doras, TAPA is committed to advocacy on behalf of its membership on numerous fronts and also offers a range of programs and services including hipTIX (offering $5 tickets to students between the ages of 14 and 29), city special, the TAPA Trade Series, the Commercial Theatre Development Fund and the Travel Retreat Initiatives Program – TRIP. For more information visit