Heart House Hospice Rolls Out The Red Carpet at A Night In Hollywood Gala in Mississauga

Heart House Hospice promised an evening of glitz and glamour at the palliative care organization’s annual black-tie and that’s what the 240 guests who came out to support the cause got for their money.

The gala, themed ‘A Night in Hollywood,’ brought a Tinseltown-feel to the Mississauga Convention Centre on March 21 while raising funds for the non-profit’s day-to-day services for the terminally ill and their families.

Host Anne-Marie Mediwake from CBC

Hosted by CBC News anchor Anne-Marie Mediwake, the 19th annual event offered up a deliciously 4 course dinner, dancing, a silent auction and live music performed by Mississauga-raised violinist Isaac Eng who wowed the crowd with his looping technique. Truly a one-man show that had to be heard and seen.

Mayor Bonnie Crombie made a special announcement about the organization and the Bring It Home Campaign.

Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga

Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga

During her speech, she said “Mississauga is a growing City and residents need important frontline healthcare, including modern and accessible residential hospice care here in our community.  I am privileged to serve as Honourary Chair of the Bring It Home Campaign in support of Heart House Hospice, and to help see this vision become a reality. I have always said Mississauga is a City that cares, and the compassion of our people thrives in organizations like Heart House Hospice. I am honoured to be part of their team.”

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During last year’s gala, Heart House president Colin Campbell announced the Bring It Home campaign, a five-year plan to bring a palliative care facility to the Erin Mills area.

For me personally , this hits very close to home – literally – as it is only a half a block from where I have been living for the past 29 years. The 20,000-sq.-ft. residential hospice would offer 10 private bedrooms with 24-hour nursing care. The facility is being built where Pheasant Run Public School once stood.The elementary school, which closed more than two years ago and has since been demolished, was located on a near five-acre chunk of land purchased by the City of Mississauga from the Peel District School Board for $6.1 million.

Violinist Isaac-Eng

Violinist Isaac-Eng

Three acres are reported to be used for recreational green space and the City has sold two acres of the land to Heart House on a lease-to-own basis.

Heart House spokesperson Lisa Hoekstra said $18 million is needed to build the facility and cover operation costs for the first three years. According to Lisa, Heart House will not be putting shovels in the ground until the majority of the funds have been raised,

The Hollywood-themed gala is a fundraiser for the group’s current operations, not the planned hospice in Erin Mills. Thousands of dollars were raised at the black-tie event which will support the free daily services Heart House provides to those in Mississauga and Brampton. However, still much more is needed to keep up the important work done by the Hospice throughout the year.

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In 2014, Hoekstra said, the hospice served about 1,000 people as well as supported 2,500 families.


Audrey Hepburn got it right when she said “Nothing is impossible.  The word itself says, “I’m possible!”   Events like this gala will make the impossible possible for those facing their end of life journey and the families and friends who love them.  All of the funds raised from this incredible evening are directed to support the work Heart House Hospice does every day in the community.

Events like the Night in Hollywood Gala helps people who have received news of a life threatening diagnosis to navigate these new and unchartered waters with dignity and respect.

Report and photos by Joey Cee