Front-line workers in Ontario eligible for a free Annual Pass; sign up thru August 16 at AGO.ca
The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) extends an artful thank you to the many front-line workers — in hospitals, grocery stores, and on public transit — who kept Ontario’s essential services running during the onset of COVID-19. Now thru August 16, 2020, front-line workers residing in Ontario are invited to sign up for a free AGO Annual Pass.
Valid for one year, the Annual Pass will allow front-line workers to book a timed-entry ticket for free, whenever they wish. The offer applies to residents of Ontario who are employed in health care, emergency services, grocery stores, sanitation, and public transit. Front-line workers will need to show proof of employment on their first visit. For a complete list of eligible workers and register online.
“COVID-19 has impacted all of us, but front-line workers have kept our community moving while most of us remained at home. It is with deep gratitude that we extend this invitation to front-line workers. Thank you,” says Stephan Jost, Michael and Sonja Koerner Director, and CEO of the AGO. “The restorative power of art should not be underestimated — it can lift our spirits and support our wellbeing. Now more than ever, we are excited to welcome our community back to the gallery to recharge with art.”
Introduced in May 2019, the $35 AGO Annual Pass offers individuals twelve months of great art and includes access to the AGO Collection and all special exhibitions. Pass holders can enter the Gallery as often as they wish—and stay for as long as they wish— with the advance booking of a timed-entry ticket.
The AGO community currently includes more than 150,000 Annual Pass holders. The AGO is grateful to the donors, sponsors, and Members whose support makes the Annual Pass program possible. Their ongoing support enables the Gallery to open its doors wide, making great art experiences available to everyone.
Thank you to the generous foundational supporters whose initial commitment helped make the Access Initiative possible:
Lead Support:
BMO Financial Group
The Lindy Green Family Charitable Foundation
Robert Harding & Angel Yang
Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner
The Schulich Foundation
Anonymous Donor
Generous Support:
The Bennett Family Foundation
Hal Jackman Foundation
Robin & David Young